The Charles Nelson Reilly Hologram
Reading books to a child is not only educational but provides precious memories that will last a lifetime. But with demanding jobs, travel, and church who has time? Charles Nelson Reilly, that’s who?
Yes, he is dead. But that was just a bump in the road to the engineers at Fuxley!
Hi everybody, it’s me, Charles Nelson Reilly. God rest my soul. Come and see me, the Charles Nelson Reilly Hologram. I’m going to be reading books to your kids while you wait in the car and scroll on your phone in a town near you.
It’s entertainment legend Charles Nelson Reilly back from the grave and reading to your children through the miracle of Fuxtech Holographic Imaging.
Other Fuxley children’s favorites include the “Big Book of Debt”, “I Asked For a Pony”, “Animals Talk Shit About People” and the “Snowman who had to Register with the Authorities when he Moved to a New Neighborhood.”
Move over Tupac! Look out Roy Orbison! There’s a new hologram in town… Charles Nelson Reilly!
Charles Nelson Reilly and your children… a match made in science!