Growing up, did you come from a musical family?
I sure did. My parents loved to entertain so they would throw a lot of parties. I have a very distinct memory of my father playing the drums while my mother stripped. The crowd really seems to enjoy it.
When you were growing up, what were early musical influences?
You know, the usual. Jim Nabors, John Tesh. Did I mention Jim Nabors?
The quote, “Never meet your heroes, because they’re sure to disappoint you”. Has that ever happened to you?
Oh definitely. I met Joey Buttafuoco and it was shockingly disappointing.
What are the ups and down’s of being a musician?
There are ups?
You were booked for the The Concert for Bangladesh but you didn’t make it. What happened?
Actually I was there. I was supposed to play on Bob Dylan’s controversial rendition of Itsy Bitsy Teeny Weeny Yellow Polka Dot Bikini but just before I was set to go on Ravi Shankar thought it would be funny to lock me inside
Leon Russell’s road case. When they finally let me out I was in Pittsburgh and had to hitchhike home. Hey kids, don’t hitchhike. Unspeakable things can happen to you. Unspeakable.
“Oh, I have a full band… They just always have other gigs that pay better.”

On the other hand, you were at Woodstock? What was that like?
They were all just a bunch of bullies if you ask me. Especially Ravi Shankar. We’d just be hanging out and suddenly he’s say, “Hey Rusty, think fast!” and push me in the mud. I’d pretended to think it was funny but it wasn’t. Love fest my foot.
You’ve been known as the ultimate collaborator when it comes to music. You’ve worked with, Brian Wilson, Leonard Cohen, Paul McCartney, Joni Mitchell, Neil Young, and Robert Matthew Van Winkle who is known professionally as Vanilla Ice. You came up with the line and title, “Ice Ice Baby”. Was that a tribute to your Canadian heritage? What did you mean by it?
Originally I had written a song for Jerry Lewis that he was going to sing on his telethon. “Nice, Nice, Lady!” The idea was he was going to sing it while he pretended to help Totie Fields up onto a stool for about twenty minutes. The song was cut because Jerry got a little too handsy with Totie so she walked. Which wasn’t the easiest thing for her. A very young Vanilla Ice was also on the show so I pitched him “Ice, Ice, Baby!” and a classic was born.
Are there any other unknown contributions to songs that have been overlooked or that you are proud of?
I played the trombone solo on Stairway to Heaven. I also played the banjo solo on Slayer’s Raining Blood. And I sang backup for Herb Alpert on Spanish Flea. All of which were cut by the way.
‘Rusty’? Where does that nickname come from or is that your given name?
It’s a nickname that was given to me by Fannie Flagg when I guested on Match Game ’77. It’s a play on my real name which is Rustee, and I guess it just stuck.
Is there any dead musician that you wish you could play with and who would that be?
I don’t understand the question. How could I play with a dead musician? They’re dead. Then again, I did once jam with both Steely and Dan and they were so boring I thought they were dead.
Worst Musical Gig ever
Besides this one, I’d have to say playing keyboards for The Sweatermen. They were a barber shop quartet and people just yelled “Shut up! There aren’t supposed to be keyboards in a barber shop quartet!”, the whole time.

We have the perfect working relationship… Basically, Doctor Z talks and I pretend to understand what he’s saying by nodding. Then I play music.
How did you and Dr. Z meet?
We met in prison. He was there as part of the Scared Straight program and I was directing an all-murderer version of The Music Man.
How would you describe your working relationship?
I think we have the perfect working relationship. It comes from knowing each other for so long. Basically, he talks and I pretend to understand what he’s saying by nodding. Then I play music.
Are you Married?
Yes, I’ve been married for about 20 years. She’s a Russian princess. We haven’t actually met in person but she’s very good at cashing checks. And I did get a postcard for my birthday. She’s a keeper!
Desert Island choice- 5 albums?
Oh that’s easy:
- David Hasselhoff: Night Rocker
- Lynda Carter: Portrait
- Bruce Willis: The Return of Bruno
- Jeff Daniels: Live and Unplugged
- Steven Segal: Songs from the Crystal Cave
First Concert you went to?
I’ve only been to one. Kajagoogoo at the Burger Barn, Cincinnati, 2018. I thought it was fun, although the crowd turned pretty violent.
Favorite Movie
This is part where I’m supposed to say Planet of the whatever that movie is, you know that early Dr. Z one. But if I’m going to be honest, Leprechaun 3. No 2. No 3. Definitely 3.
You’ve been called a ‘one man band’ due to your ability to play so many instruments, and you are the only musician in the orchestra on Dr. Z Live. I’ve heard various reasons. Can you tell us how that decision came about?
Oh I have a full band. We’re actually called Rusty Steel and The Baked Beans. They just always have other gigs that pay better. Who can blame them, am I right?
Favorite Song of All time
My favorite song of all time is Afternoon Delight by Starland Vocal Band. It’s so wholesome. I’m pretty sure it’s about having a picnic which is super fun.
Song you refuse to play at a wedding?
I get asked to play this at literally every wedding and I always downright refuse. I think it’s called The Wedding March. So boring and to be honest really dumb sounding.